Here comes fun September in Illinois! The parks abound in Illinois, but there is one that I have always liked, since it is more local for me. I could describe this park, but I decided that seeing is believing. Just to give you a taste of what we have here.
The Shawnee National Forest has a varied landscape, but a lot of people think we only have soil. Not so! So, here is a small glimpse of what “other things” are here in Illinois besides fishing, trails, hunting, and the golden nuggets of private parks, too. Enjoy!
This first park is the Giant City State Park. If you visit and walk the trails, make sure you bring some water with you. A hat to keep the sun off your head, plus a pair of good walking or hiking shoes or boots would be necessary, too. Best to have a partner, because you never know what could happen on the trail. That’s enough of the common sense stuff, let’s see what Gary Marks has to tell us.
Different Stomping Grounds
If you come down from Chicago to the Shawnee National Forest, you will think you have come to another world. And you really have. Local farmers who choose, offer their goods at local “farm markets.” However, they may offer their product to a local distributor, besides to a major distributor. You see lots of fields rotated with different crops. You also see farm houses and barns that were built in the early 1800’s, because the family has “deep roots.” I know one family that has had their farm acerage in the family for 150 years.
The traffic on the road consists of Farm tractors and implements that rival the cost of a luxury vehicle, too. By the way, the discs and planting implements aren’t the only things we see on the road around here. Hauling produce such as corn keeps many tractor trailers busy during the harvest. One thing done by Bandy’s Pumpkin Patch is a Corn Maze. Farming is definitely big business in Southern Illinois.
Here Comes Fun September
Here comes fun September gives more to see at this next park for Dungeons and Dragons fans. The Boo Castle Park, privately-owned, has many statues and a play area for children. It is enjoyed by all who visit! This is one of the local golden gems that is found in Southern Illinois, not far from the Giant City State Park.
Eclisped by the Moon (earlier this year)
Earlier this year, We saw a moon eclipse! Mother Nature provided entertainment and a glimpse of the heavens from daylight to darkness in the middle of the day. This was on April 8th, 2024. Even the birds were hushed for several minutes. This was so unusual to be able to view this event from the middle of the United States.
I took several pictures and compared them with many friends just to see the different angles. The darkness was not like nighttime darkness, but you could really tell a difference from the normal daylight. My friend said, “Whoa! The sun is taking a nap!” It was over in less than 5 minutes, too, but very interesting.
Here Comes Fun September and The Four Supermoons of 2024
I have an interest in the stars in the night sky, but I can’t leave out the moon. Using “The Farmer’s Almanac” as my guide, I realized that there were going to be four Supermoons in 2024. This means that the orbit of the moon comes closer to Earth, giving us a grand view of a “larger”‘ moon.
August’s Full Sturgeon Moon occurred on the 19th. I missed this one because I was working that afternon. But, I knew of the upcoming September moon. I was aware of the moon-time since it came later in the evening. When the moonlight shone into my window, the whole room was lit. My view was excellent and I smiled with joy. No telescope needed for this one!
Two More Supermoons in 2024
Now, I get to look forward to the next one in October. Everyone has heard of the Harvest Moon. This is going to be at 7:36 (EDT) in the morning. So, I just have to be awake to catch this act. In addition, if the moon’s path is closer to the horizon, I will be blessed with viewing the illusion of a bigger moon! Oh, yes, the farmers have already been harvesting their crops, too.
November’s Supermoon is on November 15th at 4:29 (EDT) in the afternoon. I am not sure whether I will be able to see this one. The sunlight may obscure my view. I put it on my calendar, anyway. I will be ready for the next viewing of the moon!
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