All Things Pets and Their Needs

All Things Pets and Their Needs brings these special things for your Pets. Most people have had a pet or two in their lives. I remember when I was very young and our family had a dog–for all of two weeks. Our responsibility was to clean up after Suzie, the dog. My twin and I must have been a little young for a pet because we missed the clean-up several times.

My parents decided we were “not mature enough” for this responsibility at this time. So, Suzie left our lives and my parents and my twin and I waited to have another pet “until later–.” This turned out to be more, for me. Forty years went by before I had any pets. I lived on a farm with dogs, cats, horses, goats and ‘coons, skunks, vultures and hawks that visited. Guess I made up for all the “empty” years!

Then and Now Times

I don’t know if your experiences were anything like mine. But, finding a page like this would have helped me immensely with all of those animals. So, welcome to the page where we have been searching for the best and unknown items. These things help our friends, our best friends… our pets and animals we care for.

The products listed below are what we checked out for you. In addition, these products are used by us. There is something special having the right pet. Most owners give their pet the best life. It means a lot to me to offer to you a solution for your pets and animals. Giving them the best life possible is always upmost in the owner’s mind.

Dietary Supplements: All Things Pets and Their Needs

With the life expectancy of all pets being shorter than our own mortality; we make their lives as long and healthy as possible. Anyone with a pet has this as a goal. As the pet gets older, we try to accommodate their health and wants. Sometimes, it means that you have to literally carry them down the porch stairs so that they can go “potty.” Not so bad, if they are small, but the time I had to do it, this dog weighed at least 40 pounds! (It was a hard decision to let her go, because she was everyone’s favorite!)

If this product had been available at that time, we most assuredly would have used it. However, we have it here for you to utilize for your pet(s). This is a perfect product to improve their quality of life. I had my friend check it out by taking it and her dog to an appointment. The vet gave her an okay to use it on a trial basis. If there were any negative results, he wanted to know. She was pleased with that plan and used the least amount possible for the weight of her dog–that was two sprays.

Dietary Supplements

aerosol spray of dietary supplement

The small unit of aerosol sprays just the right amount either into the dog’s mouth or her water. Again, the dog’s weight is the determining factor. She wanted me to check daily to see if there was any difference, since I would only see her a few minutes each day.

The result showed up in a few days. The older dog was playing more, as if she were younger. She acted better and was more alert. She was even eating a little bit more. So, just as we do, check with your veterinarian before administering any dietary supplement to your pet. I love knowing choices from our human world can help our pets.

Pendant: A Dog’s Reaction: All Things Pets and Their Needs

The next item we want to share is something found in our “human world”. As the unexpected thunderstorm approached, the whiney, shuddery dog forced my friend to try something she had never thought about. Her pendant necklace kept her calm, so she tried it on the dog. Check this solution out! That pendant necklace was a wonderful solution which calmed her fur-baby.

All Things Pets and Their Needs-a product that stops stinky farts for dogs and humans

Stop the Stink of Dog Farts

Our product has something to do with the fancy word of Flatulence, which we generally call gas. How it escapes makes all dogs suspect. Cindy Lou was one of those dogs that was silent but deadly. Grandmother was happy to find a product that takes care of that problem. Hey, they have a formula for us humans, too! See details.

Because we love our dogs, cats and other animals; please know, we are constantly searching for things to add to this category. We can then enhance their lives and enrich ours as well.