Pets and Healing Balm

Pets and Healing Balm-picture of an Angus Bull with horns

Pets and Healing Balm. The Healing Balm works for them, too! Sometimes, your “pet” is so or-ner-ry you almost give up! But, if you’re like me, that just becomes a challenge, not a problem. Let me tell you about my search for something to help heal my friend’s bull! This bull was huge and had wonderful bloodlines, but he had a problem eating, since he had an abscess. This is Big Daddy’s cousin, he has the horns. (Big Daddy had been dehorned.) You get the picture, I know!

My friend George had talked about his bull. The bull was no pet, but George wanted to take really good care of him since he wanted those great bloodlines in his cattle. He had the vet come out and look him over.

The vet said he had an abscessed tooth and he needed to help it both from the outside and inside. The inside the vet could do, but the outside George was not sure, so he came to talk to me and wanted to know if I had something to help heal the outside of the bull’s jaw. Here’s what I told him I knew about what I had on hand.

Pets and Healing Balm

This was a healing balm that I had used on myself for a cut from a dead tree branch. The reason I had used it was because it was new on the retail market. All-natural ingredients blended together for the best results. It had done wonders for my cut and I thought maybe it would work on the bull.

George “pulled a face of disbelief” on me and wanted me to explain further. I had to really explain to him what I knew. I wasn’t going to convince him otherwise. So, I went into my spiel of knowledge and told him.

First of all, I told him most balms only provide temporary relief and a little rehydration. It also absorbs into the skin better. The main difference between this balm and others is that it does not contain any petroleum or derivatives whatsoever. Now, petroleum makes it hard for the skin to breathe or absorb. What I found really nice was that I didn’t have to worry about it sticking to my sleeve when I used it on the cut on my arm.

Pets and Healing Balm: Its Positives

The other two pluses that I found out was that it was a medical-grade item. This means that it went through some “heavy-duty” testing and accepted into this category. (To me, it qualified in the “It Works!” category.) Consequently, it was so good that it healed my cut “in short order.” By now, I had his attention. He was willing to try it. I did have to caution him that “a little goes a long way.”

Oh, something that I had forgotten to mention to him and had to chase him down before he left. It was used on a baby’s diaper rash with great results. So, if it’s used on a baby’s skin, then it should be alright on the bull’s skin. He just smiled his toothy grin and locked the gate behind himself. I guess he was pleased with my solution, whether or not he truly believed me.

More Positives

Just between you and me “and the fencepost” this is probably the best balm I have ever found, Yes, my great-granddaughter was the baby that we tried applying the balm. The two founders made this balm for tattoos. In addition, it was utilized for permanent make-up (usually eyebrows). So, no matter whose skin it is, it is amazing in its healing and hydration properties.

It was a few weeks later that I saw George before I could ask how Big Daddy was doing. He said it started the healing process on the outside and that what the vet had done was remove that tooth, so Big Daddy didn’t need more than what I gave him. He thrust out his hand and showed me a cut from when he worked on his tractor and said “It did just what you said it would do, for me. That’s some really good stuff,” he said, smiling.

It was my turn to laugh and smile at what he said. For a medical-grade product to be available on the public market was outstanding to me and I was glad that I could share it with him. By the way, the cut on my arm from that tree branch was really hard to find when I tried to show him. I found a small white line of a scar that was hardly visible. This may be just the thing to give to your body. It does what it says it will do and is a wonderful healing balm.

Pets and Healing Balm. The Healing Balm works for them, too! sometimes, your “pet” is so or-ner-ry you almost give up! But, if you’re like me, that just becomes a challenge, not a problem. Let me tell you about my search for something to help heal my friend’s bull! This bull was huge and had wonderful bloodlines, but he had a problem eating, since he had an abscess. This is Big Daddy’s cousin, he has the horns. (Big Daddy had been dehorned.) You get the picture, I know!

My friend George had talked about his bull. The bull was no pet, but George wanted to take really good care of him since he wanted those great bloodlines in his cattle. He had to have the vet come out and look him over.

The vet said he had an abscessed tooth and he needed to help it both from the outside and inside. The inside the vet could do, but the outside George was not sure, so he came to talk to me and wanted to know if I had something to help heal the outside of the bull’s jaw. Here’s what I told him I knew about what I had on hand.

Pets and Healing Balm

This was a healing balm that I had used on myself for a cut from a dead tree branch. The reason I had used it was because it was new on the retail market. All-natural ingredients blended together for the best results. It had done wonders for my cut and I thought maybe it would work on the bull.

George “pulled a face of disbelief” on me and wanted me to explain further. I had to really explain to him what I knew. I wasn’t going to convince him otherwise. So, I went into my spiel of knowledge and told him.

First of all, I told him most balms only provide temporary relief and a little rehydration. It also absorbs into the skin better. The main difference between this balm and others is that it does not contain any petroleum or derivatives whatsoever. Now, petroleum makes it hard for the skin to breathe or absorb. What I found really nice was that I didn’t have to worry about it sticking to my sleeve when I used it on the cut on my arm.

Pets and Healing Balm: Its Positives

The other two pluses that I found out was that it was a medical-grade item. This means that it went through some “heavy-duty” testing and accepted into this category. (To me, it qualified in the “It Works!” category.) Consequently, it was so good that it healed my cut “in short order.” By now, I had his attention. He was willing to try it. I did have to caution him that “a little goes a long way.”

Oh, something that I had forgotten to mention to him and had to chase him down before he left. It was used on a baby’s diaper rash with great results. So, if it’s used on a baby’s skin, then it should be alright on the bull’s skin. He just smiled his toothy grin and locked the gate behind himself. I guess he was pleased with my solution, whether or not he truly believed me.

More Positives

Just between you and me “and the fencepost” this is probably the best balm I have ever found, Yes, my great-granddaughter was the baby that we tried applying the balm. The two founders made this balm for tattoos. In addition, it was utilized for permanent make-up (usually eyebrows). So, no matter whose skin it is, it is amazing in its healing and hydration properties.

It was a few weeks later that I saw George before I could ask how Big Daddy was doing. He said it started the healing process on the outside and that what the vet had done was remove that tooth, so Big Daddy didn’t need more than what I gave him. He thrust out his hand and showed me a cut from when he worked on his tractor and said “It did just what you said it would do, for me. That’s some really good stuff,” he said, smiling.

It was my turn to laugh and smile at what he said. For a medical-grade product to be available on the public market was outstanding to me and I was glad that I could share it with him. By the way, the cut on my arm from that tree branch was really hard to find when I tried to show him. I found a small white line of a scar that was hardly visible. This may be just the thing to give to your body. It does what it says it will do and is a wonderful healing balm.