Nutrient Dense Beef

Nutrient Dense Beef-So yummy! nutrient dense beef just tastes better

Nutrient Dense Beef. Only available from this U. S. provider, located in Wyoming. Nutrient Dense Beef (Direct to Consumer). Who wouldn’t want the best beef in the world? Not just because it is a United States location, not just because they raise cattle for the beef, it is just because they believe in what they are doing. They are providing a nutrient dense Beef that has taste and benefits that are superior to other grass-fed cattle.

They practice what they preach and it starts with their personal focus on raising and sourcing their cattle. Their practices emphasize regenerative and restorative management. This is typical of the way it was done “in earlier times.” Giving time for both the cattle to reach their prime and the grasslands which they roam (40,000 wild acres) to nourish and regenerate within a cycle. Nothing is rushed on this finest, natural rangeland.

Nutrient Dense Beef Has Flavor and Aroma

Nutrient Dense Beef-beef ribs before cooking

A daily promise to Mother Nature goes hand-in-hand with their focus on grass-land education (learning about the ecosystem, climate and topography). Meanwhile, they leave the soil and grasses improved from day to day and a legacy for the future. So, this great-tasting Beef is the result of all of their efforts.

The BEEF raised in this way is tasty, juicy and nutrient-dense. It has so much flavor that your tongue can taste the difference. When cooking on the grill, it smells wonderful and has a definite aroma that makes your stomach growl. This is the result of the long-range goal to provide the grasses for the cattle. The grasses are the foundation. We are what we eat and so are the cattle. Therefore, when we eat this BEEF from this provider, it is the Best Beef one can find. On another note…

Why The Grass is Greener With Nutrient Dense Beef

Nutrient Dense Beef-cow eating grass

(Conversation between cows and grass.)

[COWS] Oh, we’re just like our cousins, the mighty buffalo and bison. We fertilize the soil and make it nutrient rich. [GRASS] Oh, our grass is greener, amino acids abound within. Eat to your heart’s content–that’s where we do our best.

[COWS] Well, we won’t stay long, you only grow so fast. Eat, we will, ’til you are gone. Then rest and wait for our return. [GRASS] I’m smarter than you think, your babies return to sup. When your time is o’er–I know where you go.

[COWS] Some think it a myth, some bawl and squall, but wise ones say, We get treated as THE BEST. [GRASS] You may be THE BEST, but your kind always return, for we provide a great percentage of nutrient-rich taste. Thanks, to your fertilizer.

[RANCHER] says: “What’s with all the mooing today? Don’t they know they’re going into another pasture? After this, I want my steak on the grill!”

New Scientists, Old Way

Can you imagine raising cattle and not having science to back you up? They study soil nutrients and grass varieties for the cattle. This allows continuous improvement in the soil and grasses. Can you imagine that the reason 8 out of 10 people die from metabolic diseases is because of their food?? Yeah, I had to look up metabolic diseases, too.

For example, of my friends, several have diabetes. This was the top metabolic disease in the list. The scientific names are tremendously hard to spell and pronounce, so I will say this list consists of diseases that:

  • Cannot store or make insulin
  • Cannot process or break down acids in urine
  • Stores too much fat in the brain or body.

So, how do we compensate for what or bodies cannot store, make, break down or store too much? We give it what it needs: nutrient dense beef! How do we get there? The ranchers follow a cycle of having the cattle eat the grass throughout their lifetime and then move the cattle to another pasture. The first pasture then lies fallow for regrowth. Each depends on the other, for the cattle fertilize the pasture, wherever they feed.

As Time Passes, We Benefit

Nutrient Dense Beef-Big Horn MEAT Box

This provides the grass time to absorb all nutrients (especially amino acids) found in the fertilizer. When the cattle return to the original pasture, grass provides amino acids and 3.5X more nutritional value for us humans! When checked, the amino acids are 70% higher in Carter Country Meats! The more nutrient dense beef you consume, the better your body likes it!


They build agriculture up and they work with Mother Nature. In this way, they build up the soil and we gain the benefits of their process. Most importantly, they provide high-quality (239% HIGHER) nutrient-dense BEEF for you to taste and consume. My reaction would be to say, “Let’s have steak tonite!”

You could try my Chocolate Crazy Cake recipe (with icing) to satisfy your sweet tooth! Also, the Wine of the Month Club has many selections. Click here.