Products that Help Our Pets

Products that help our pets line two or three aisles in the store. But yet, there are some products there that don’t work precisely as they should. Then, we quit looking on those aisles of pet products and look elsewhere. We search for something that helps our special, true best friend. This opens the gateway to see if anything in the human world will be a good substitute, or better, item for our pet.

For some reason, when I talk to people about pets the most mentioned are dogs and cats. I have had cats when I was not allowed to have dogs and I have had dogs when I wasn’t allowed to have cats.

In addition, I have had both at the same time and most were buddies of each other. Obviously, each had their own personality and some were downright finicky, spoiled or obnoxious with their bathroom habits! (Cats seemed to always end up on “My List” of naughty/obnoxious.)

Pets and Communication

My pets always wanted my attention (since I fed them, of course). Cats seemed to be very choosy about their affection and sometimes I suspected that they had done something I needed to clean up. The cat I currently have does laps around the living room and shows off. Consequently, I go check the kitty litter box to make sure she didn’t “miss.” Usually, I am right. Clean-up duty, again.

Over at the other house where I used to live, the normal action had the medium to large-sized dogs (four of them!) would just annoy me until I let them out. One dog, Max, would not even bark. He just came over and laid his large, heavy paw on my leg until I arose and let him outside. Of course, the rest of the crew would always follow him, too. Good thing, for I never liked cleaning up their messes.

Products that Help Our Pets

This is a very unusual situation. This first product is made for both humans and dogs. The one for humans is in pill form and the one for dogs is in the form of a treat. Could this be used for my one dog, in particular? She was a black and white Jack Russell (small) yet had not just a smell, but stench. If my solution could help me, I thought, just maybe, it would help Cookie.

So, after reading the ingredients, I decided to try it, especially after researching its use. Then, if it did not work, I had a second choice for smelly dog farts, too. Hopefully, the first one would work because it could prevent odorous smells and improve her overall health. The second one would take care of the stinky farts (which were deadly!)

More Products That Help Our Pets

We often look at what the Vet directs us to buy, or we rely on the Pet Store employee. Think about how naïve this is, though. I mean, do you just rely on your Doctor, or Walmart for your health advisements? Do you do some research with Google on the computer? Do you seek other knowledge and listen to the solutions others have found? Are you looking for products that help your pets? Of course, we do all or some of the above.

A Vitamin Supplement

Products That Help Our Pets-This vitamin supplement of Brān offsets anxiety and improves mood

This first product has helped dogs with arthritis, pain, aging and even regulated their bodies. It is a supplement for humans as well since it consists of 16 nutrients, provides calmness and allows them to be more alert. The Brain Food product also offsets anxiety while improving their mood. It is available in various flavors (in case your dog is really finicky). The nice thing about this item is that it is available in a spray bottle, too.

Stop the Stink of Dog Farts

Products That Help Our Pets-Medication for dog's farts, the funny picture of intestines called Sneak and Squeak

Obviously, the product that stops stink is a plus for their families. We humans can use our formula, also. This is made with all-natural ingredients, too. If I had known about this product, I would have been purchasing this item for my own pets, especially Cookie. So, I am very happy to share this “tootralizer” with you for your benefit and the pet, too.

The Pendant Necklace

Betty had purchased a pendant necklace. In short, this necklace was to help: tune out chaos (in her life): decrease electromagnetic hyper-sensitivity symptoms and enhance the sense of well-being. The last time I went over, it stormed. Betty placed this necklace around Duchess’ neck (the smaller dog) and waited to see what would happen. Well, about the time Betty was going to take the necklace off, Duchess quit pacing and whining.

the smaller dog is Duchess (whines) and the bigger dog is Katrina (allergies).

Then, Betty said, “Look at her! She acts like nothing is bothering her. It is still raining, but Duchess has definitely ignored the rain and is taking a nap.” We both decided this was proof. It was really nice not to hear Duchess whine.

May you have the happiest years with your fur-babies. We would enjoy hearing from you about your positive experiences with each of these products. Thank you for sharing with us, in advance. We love sharing our findings with you!