Seven Year Itch and a Dream

A seven year itch and a dream. We may laugh at these sayings, but they indicate an attitude toward life. Now, do all people have the same attitude? Of course not. Life would be very boring with everyone having that same attitude. Even if they live in the same household, their attitudes may differ. “The more, the merrier,” as one friend says.

On the other hand, what would make one change? Everyone realizes that you are born into certain circumstances. These circumstances can be limiting or unlimited. It would be easier to be successful if you had all the resources you want to succeed. But everyone has discovered that that is not the situation. For example, if you don’t have a birdie, net, racket or opponent, you don’t play badminton. Find your resources to accomplish your goals for success.

Work to Change the Seven Year Itch and a Dream

Seven Year Itch and a Dream-sign that says dreams don't work unless you do

In addition, most have to work for any change of that seven year itch. So, what would make one change? Again, It’s not the same for everyone. One person may meet an extraordinary individual or read a book that influences them. Another may find a coach that resonates with their thinking and they become aware of greater opportunities available to them. The other individual may discover the Library has resources just for them. The fourth person may be that individual that does nothing to “improve his lot in life.” That is going to be a very personal choice for each individual. But, the bottom line is that they have to want it AND Work for that change. This excludes no one. It is applicable to all individuals, no matter your age, ethnic background or circumstances.

Where will this transformation lead them? It will lead them to a hunger for a change. They may want, or desire this change, but when will the transformation become the “where”? Answer: For example, When you want to play any sport such as basketball, football or bowling, you have gathered resources and people that are of the same mind and attitude as you. This feeds your hunger because they share a bond of knowledge and know how. Success is more enjoyable when you share with others. In addition, it is much easier to succeed with others who help support your dreams of success.

Dream of Success

Why would you want to dream of success? This is intertwined with your wants, needs and desires. From whatever starting point in this journey, you have developed these needs over time and your desires into dreams. The first is a need to change your journey’s path. It never seems to be a straight road, either. There always seems to be a “fork in the road” choice or decision you have to make in order to succeed.

The second is you want something that is “bigger, badder and better” for yourself. My friend has very grandiose dreams, but I don’t see him doing anything to change where he is in life. He is letting life happen to him, I think. I would love to see him change his attitude toward that 7 year itch and a dream. We all dream, don’t we?

Seven Year Itch and a Dream-picture of an online community group of people

Thirdly, after you have success, then you want to give to others the same opportunities and encouragement which you have received. By then, your attitude has changed, along with your circumstances. You have been tending your fire and have enjoyed the warmth and camaraderie of success. You have also experienced all the baby steps and goal completions you had set for yourself. Continue to do this as you progress. Never quit!

Dreams of Freedoms

A seven year itch becomes uncomfortable after a while. It never leaves you. What is your solution to this problem? The solution is to find what is causing that itch. You realize that what you have at this moment does not align with your dreams. What you do have, right now, is not satisfactory. Your pathway has been opened to a bigger and brighter life of freedoms. Freedom, to live life with all of its bells and whistles.

Finally, you realize that these are the dreams you have envisioned for yourself. Next question–Can you get to this finish line of success? Yes! But, you know, you must also enjoy a constant challenge to your success, because dreams are really a seven year itch and it never goes away. However, Your Successes are a list of achievements with a gold star next to each one. This includes the baby steps and all, which have been completed with the start of a seven year itch and a dream.

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