BlockChain Innovation is here to help you. However, you may not yet be familiar with the BlockChain. Yes, What is Blockchain? But, you try to understand and participate with the changing World. As I have always said, there is a learning curve with every new thing that comes along. (Some of us are kicking and screaming all the way!)

Blockchain Inovation-a diagram of the way blockchain is linked

Blockchain Wallet. A blockchain wallet is a digital wallet. This means that you don’t have to physically carry around this wallet. It exists for the express purpose to store, manage or trade cryptocurrencies. Hence, blockchain technology comes to your rescue. You could consider this the accounting division of keeping a wallet. They are connected through a web browser and it gives you access through your computer. Another learning curve for those of us who are new to this technology. The market also has multi-cryptocurrency wallets available, See Here:

Inpersona and Helo Health. This introduces two companies,Inpersona and Helo Health. They have combined to give everyone the access to their own medical data. It allows you to have your personal medical data private. It also gives you the chance to improve your heath levels, too. Oh, you say, “News to me!” So, you may join with me, because I didn’t know about it, either. You control your medical information and it is protected. This is an outstanding opportunity for everyone. Now that I do, I am excited for this opportunity with Inpersona and Helo Health, See Here:

Therefore, we work to add amazing programs and products and help you understand what they represent. BlockChain is no different than any other new thing. Confusing until you get to see, watch someone else do it, then, hesitantly, try it out for yourself! New services move everyone into the coming future of It. So, welcome to a technology world!