Skin Healing Balm

The skin healing balm is made with key all-natural ingredients with just a touch of Lavender Essential Oil. Besides, it is in a medical-grade category. This means that it went through more testing and passed all qualifications necessary for this category. It also has a consistent formula throughout its manufacturing process.

All-natural ingredients include safflower oil, shea butter and beeswax which moisturize, nourish and protect your skin. It has a natural conditioner in Dimethicone. A helping hand in healing is Calendula Extract. In addition, St. Johns Wort Extract also helps with wounds, muscle pain and tattoos.

And there is more! Bee Pollen Extract for reducing inflammation. Jojoba Oil for soothing skin. Another oil, Coconut, has antibacterial properties and along with Argan Oil helps reduce inflammation, too. Last, but not least, is the Lavender Essential Oil which can be used by itself but is used here to enhance the balm and its effectiveness. So, now on to what it did for that gash on my arm.

Without Skin Healing Balm

Skin Replenishing Balm--two-week old cut, before application of healing balm

Without Skin Healing Balm three weeks ago, I started cutting some trees that had been blown down in a windstorm several years ago. My main job was to trim the smaller branches (up to 4-6″ in diameter) so that they could be pulled to the fire area. I also had to stack them up for the other person who tied them, then pulled them with a four-wheeler to the fire area. Of course, they worked faster than I did and someone yelled at me. As I turned around, the limb I was getting ready to chain saw brushed up against my arm. I thought nothing about it until I saw a long streak of red and knew “It got Me!”

Skin Replenishing Balm--received after being shipped
It’s HERE!

So, I was still without skin healing balm and the gash healed pretty good without it. It was fiery red looking around the edges and had scabbed the entire length of the cut. Oh, yes, it was on the outside of my arm, so I was always bumping it. That just made it more tender. My OTC triple antibiotic was not effective with the itch of healing, either. Then, I heard about this new, medical-grade healing balm. My itch solution was only an order away. I ordered and impatiently waited for Saturday, but it arrived late on the following Friday. (Evidently, the rest of the world heard about it, too.) I was elated and took a picture of my purchase!

With Skin Healing Balm

Skin Replenishing Balm--first application of balm
first application

I used the tear-drop shaped applicator to put just a dab on the cut. It took less than 10 seconds for my skin to liquify that balm and soaked it in right away. The primary scab had fallen off and a secondary one had replaced it. It was still a bit reddish around the cut when I applied the balm, but by the time I had used it daily for a week’s time, it was so smooth that I had to look to find the cut. No rough edges, just a line a bit darker than my skin where the open gash had been. That got me to thinking– There are many types of skin from everyone’s head to their toes. So, I wanted to see if the applicator would be usable all over my body.

Using the Applicator

Afterwards, I really examined that applicator. (See above photo on the left.) Someone had taken time to make it versatile. When I used the tiny end of the tear-drop, I was able to control the amount of balm I applied in the area around my eyes. Not too much pressure, since my skin melted the balm so easily. Then, I checked out the opposite end. The applicator end design mimicked a spoon and handled very similarly. It was a long enough design that I had no trouble holding it and using either side. I tried that end on my ankles and it worked fine. If I wanted to use a fingertip in my toes area, I just slid it off the applicator onto my fingertip. I usually held my fingertip in place to warm the balm, then spread it carefully over the chosen area.

After I found how to use the applicator, I discovered another plus for it. The jar has a rounded edge where the lid screws down and the applicator is curved just enough to give you all of the balm–no waste! So, besides the balm being great at healing my two-week old gash, the jar and applicator have positive aspects, too.

In Conclusion

Skin Replenishing Balm--applied daily, 1 week later
1x daily, 1 wk later

For me, this has it all. It is a balm that heals, wonderful ingredients, medical grade and used for any skin type and many problems and needs. This balm started out in California as an aftercare item for tattoos. In those four years, it was only available to Doctors, Estheticians, 5 Star spas and Tattoo studios. Therefore, we proudly offer YOU this opportunity to share in this amazing product from Amber and Alma. It works!

There are other products available for your own healthy benefits. See here to check out one and browse your other choices and smile!

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